What Is A Group Of Cats Called And Behavior Of Cats In A Clowder?

What is a group of cats called? They are called clowder and also clutter and glaring. Cats are one of the most playful and craziest pets that people keep worldwide. As a cat enthusiast or curious individual, you might find cat terms and social life intriguing. Get more knowledge in detail about what is a group of cats called.

What Is A Group Of Cats Called? 

A group of cats is known as clowders. Apart from clowder, others include clutter and glaring as well. If it’s about kittens together, they form an association known as either a kindle or litter group, depending on what area one is talking about them from. The word “clowder” originates from “clutter,” which can denote an aggregation or mass of objects; however, it has eventually come to specifically refer to a herd of cats. Primarily, “clowder” has its roots in English-speaking areas and illustrates the idiosyncratic lexical stock associated with animal collectives. 

To understand these words better, we need to know how interesting they are and their amazing characters. Yes, they have their social systems too. One important thing that puzzles many is what a group of cats is called. This article explains that and much more regarding cat group behaviors and other interesting facts about our beloved felines. 

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Social Structure Of Cats In A Clowder 

They say that cats are lonely animals, so much so that in a group of them, like one referred to as a clowder, they can show some amount of sociability. Take, for example, colonies of stray cats; these develop relations amongst themselves and even go a long way toward establishing some established order. 

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Behavior Of Cats In A Clowder 

A clowder is a group of cats that have established different behaviors to establish and maintain social order. Some of these behaviors are playing, fighting to win territories, dominance establishments, grooming, and others. 

Grooming, in particular allogrooming, is a well-known behavior that strengthens social bonds and removes the tension that may exist among different members of a group. 

Communication Among Cats 

Communication Among Cats

Among the variety of methods by which they communicate with cats in a group known as clowder, cats use various methods to communicate with one another, like meowing, hissing, purring, and growling. 

Also, they use signs like tail position, ear position, and facial expressions to show what they feel or intend. The most important method through which they mark their territory is using scent by rubbing or spraying. This also helps them establish a social hierarchy. 

Adaptation To The Environment 

The clowder of a cat can greatly differ depending on the environment. This is because, for example, there are some distinctions in resources and hostilities between urban and rustic places, like size or structure. In large cities, there will likely be smaller groups that will have a continuous supply of food, while in country-side areas, they usually form them together into one place. 

Health And Well-Being In A Clowder 

A cat can benefit from or receive harm from staying in a group of other cats. On the plus side, being together with others helps minimize stress and provides a good friend. On the flip side, one can easily pass on diseases and pests when cats huddle together. Living in a cage can have both positive and negative effects on a cat’s health. 

On the positive side, social interactions can reduce stress and provide companionship. However, close living quarters can also facilitate the spread of diseases and parasites. This is why understanding the dynamics of clowders becomes essential when handling feral cat populations to keep them healthy. 

Human Interaction With Clowders 

The way that people relate to clowders is quite different; it could range from wild cat groups to homes where there is more than one cat kept. In areas where there are very many cats that have become wild, people may use trap-neuter-return schemes to check the growth rate of these animals and further improve their welfare. 

For the cat owners’ happiness and promotion of peace in homes where more than two cats are living as pets, they need to understand the behavior patterns among clowders. 

Cultural And Mythological Significance 

Throughout history, cats have played significant cultural and mythological roles, including as clowders. In ancient Egypt, they were highly regarded creatures who were sometimes featured in art and folklore. Thus, they are perceived in some societies as representing mysteries, freedom, and omens of death (unluckiness). 


In the above stuff, you understand what is a group of cats called. Cohesion among feline friends is clearly shown by a clowder, a group of cats. Social adaptation strategies are witnessed in cats that live under one roof; hence, the group as a whole has its own unique culture. Various kinds of behavior help individuals within the group to respond effectively to changes in their environment, so cats exchange murmurings, which help them coordinate their activities. Finely you learn what is a group of cats called.


What Are Groups Of Cats Called? 

The group of cats is called a clowder. It could also be termed glaring or clutter. 

What Are The Groups Of Kittens Called? 

A group of kittens is called a Kindle. 

In A Clowder, How Are Cats Able To Communicate? 

Cats make use of vocalization, body language, as well as their scent. Using these methods, they meow, purr, growl, or hiss, and they also position their tails, put their ears back, or move them forward and rub stuff. 

Do Cats In Chowders Build Social Bonds? 

Indeed, within a clowder, cats may develop some social bonds through grooming, playing, and cooperative behavior, particularly among female cats in feral colonies. 

How Does Living In A Cage Affect A Cat’s Health? 

Living in a clowder can mean social connection and lessened tension, but it can also raise the chances of falling sick. Proper care is critical to maintaining the well-being of these animals in groups.


